Located in an outer zone of the centre, and preserved from any architectural restoration, the Forge Room is suspended, intact, in time. With its worn walls, broad original windows, and traces of soot, everything within it carries the signs of the past.
Early 1900s or late middle ages, post-war or eighteenth century, every viewpoint is a possible story, ready to support or richly contrast with the contents it is hosting. The Forge Room enriches and confers a visual force, giving impact and unique identity to photographic and video projects, installations and exhibitions.
dimensions: 88m²
location: ground floor
・can be darkened with mountable backcloths or by covering just the windows
・lighting set up with floor lamps or with overhead assembly on an iron framework
・a control room overlooks the space via an opening in the wall from above
・close to utility rooms with direct access to the room and to the stagecraft studio
・not heated